Juror Instructions
Juror Instructions for Your Jury Service
If you have received a Trial Jury Summons, examine the entire document carefully for the following information:
- Summons Date
- Jury Group Number
- Juror ID Number
- 24 hour information phone line
Check your Jury Status
You will need to check the Superior Court's online jury portal or call the court's automated phone line at 855-955-1103 after 5:30 PM the evening prior to your summons date for the reporting instructions for your group. You will need to have your Juror ID number available. Please have your summons handy when calling. You will need to enter your specific Juror ID Number to access your record. You will be placed on-call for approximately five (5) court days. If directed to report for jury service you MUST bring your summons with you when you report and you MUST be on time. If you are not directed to report for service during your on-call period, you will be released as instructed on the recorded message or the court's website.
Click on the link below to login and check your jury status on the online jury portal.