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Jury Scam alert -

The Santa Barbara Superior Court has received complaints about individuals trying to scam members of the public by pretending to be court officers or officials. The Jury Services office of the Santa Barbara Superior Court does not call citizens to request payments for failing to appear for jury duty. California law does not permit citizens to pay a fine in lieu of jury duty. If you receive such a call simply hang up and, if the scammer persists, call your local law enforcement agency. Learn more about the recent scam warning.

Notice to Jurors:

Prospective jurors summoned for jury service can expect to receive their jury summons in postcard form. Please check your mail for a postcard with important instructions to fulfil your jury service. Visit the Jury Services page for more information.

Court Security

Court Security

As a matter of public safety, everyone entering any of the Santa Barbara Superior Court locations listed below are required to pass through a weapons screening device and have all hand-carried objects x-rayed.

General Order in Re: Courthouse Security [Amended 2/1/2019]

  • Santa Barbara Anacapa Courthouse
  • Santa Barbara Figueroa Courthouse
  • Santa Barbara Jury Services Building
  • Santa Barbara Juvenile Court
  • Santa Maria Courthouse
  • Santa Maria Juvenile Court
  • Lompoc Courthouse

Other court facilities not listed here may employ weapons screening on an as needed basis.

During the screening process, you may be asked to remove jewelry, accessories, and clothing. Your handbag, briefcase, backpack, and any containers will be x-rayed. Leave prohibited items at home or in your vehicle; if confiscated, they will not be returned.

When coming to any of the courthouses please allow extra time to go through the weapons screening line. Do not bring unnecessary bags, briefcases or packages with you as these will slow down the screening process.

Refusal to submit to a search will result in denial of entry. Moreover, California Penal Code section 602 (y) states that individuals who intentionally avoid or refuse to submit to screening and inspection of themselves and their personal property while entering or re-entering a court building may be subject to detention, arrest and prosecution.


List of Prohibited Items

Weapons and contraband of any kind are prohibited. Items that potentially could be used as a weapon are not permitted in the courthouse and will be confiscated. Confiscated items will not be returned.

General prohibited items at the Santa Barbara Superior Court facilities include:

  1. Firearms possessed by anyone other than peace officers, regardless of a permit to carry a concealed weapon (CCW). The only exceptions to this are judicial officers who possess a valid CCW and authorized armored car personnel during the course of business.
  2. Firearms possessed by peace officers when attending Family Law Court or when the peace officer is a party to an action pending before the Court.
  3. All bullets and ammunition possessed by anyone other than peace officers, regardless of a permit to carry a concealed weapon (CCW). The only exceptions to this are judicial officers who possess a valid CCW and authorized armored car personnel during the course of business.
  4. All taser guns.
  5. All stun guns.
  6. All gun-shaped lighters.
  7. Toy or replica guns.
  8. Handcuffs, except those possessed by sworn peace officers.
  9. Chemical agents listed as follows:
  • All mace, pepper gas, animal repellent, butane fuel, and spray/aerosol cans.
  • Knives as listed:
    • Buck type - all size blades.
    • Swiss Army/Pen knives- all size blades.
    • Utility knives - all size blades.
    • Butter/steak knives- all size blades.
    • Multi-tool type knives- all size blades.
    • Concealable/disguised knives- all size blades.
    • All locking blade knives - all size blades.
  • All scissors.
  • Razors listed as follows:
    • Single blades.
    • All box cutters
    • All "Exacto" type tools (open retractable razor with handle).
  • Clothing items listed as follows: Excess clothing beyond what is reasonable for personal use and current weather conditions.
  • Tools listed as follows:
    • All tools, including but not limited to, screwdrivers, pliers, wrenches,
    • hammers, etc., unless possessed by authorized maintenance personnel of the Court or County or Court/County approved maintenance/contractor personnel.
    • Ice picks.
    • Corkscrews.
  • Miscellaneous items include:
    • Darts.
    • Letter openers.
    • Pieces of heavy duty wire/heavy gauge chains.
    • Laser pointers - except those for use by attorneys in courtroom presentations.
    • Skateboards/skates.
    • Needles/syringes (possessed by non-diabetic person(s) or persons without prescriptions).
    • Handcuff keys - except those possessed by sworn peace officers.
    • "Come-along" sticks/key chain size.
    • Flammable liquids.
    • Open alcohol containers. Knitting needles.
    • Any item modified to incorporate brass knuckles, including but not limited to belt buckles, purse handles, cell phone covers, etc.
    • Sporting equipment that may be used as a weapon, including but not limited to baseball/softball bats, tennis racquets, trekking poles, field hockey sticks, and cleated/spiked shoes.
    • Rocks over two inches in diameter.
  • Controlled Substances:
    • As defined under the California Health and Safety Code.
    • California Penal Code section 4573(a).
    • Controlled Substance Act, 21 U.S.C. section 812.
    • All associated paraphernalia.

NOTE: In all cases, a sworn supervisor or their designee may use their discretion to determine if any item (other than those listed above) presents a safety or security risk to the court environment and may exclude that item from being brought into the court facility when deemed appropriate. When such discretion is exercised, the employee prohibiting a particular item from being brought into the court facility shall prepare a memorandum. The memorandum shall include a description of the item and the justification for not allowing the item into the court facility. The memorandum shall be directed to the Court Services Lieutenant via chain of command. The Lieutenant will forward a copy of the memorandum to the Presiding Judge, the Assistant Presiding Judge, and Court's Chief Executive Officer.

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