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Jury Scam alert -

The Santa Barbara Superior Court has received complaints about individuals trying to scam members of the public by pretending to be court officers or officials. The Jury Services office of the Santa Barbara Superior Court does not call citizens to request payments for failing to appear for jury duty. California law does not permit citizens to pay a fine in lieu of jury duty. If you receive such a call simply hang up and, if the scammer persists, call your local law enforcement agency. Learn more about the recent scam warning.

Notice to Jurors:

Prospective jurors summoned for jury service can expect to receive their jury summons in postcard form. Please check your mail for a postcard with important instructions to fulfil your jury service. Visit the Jury Services page for more information.

Forms Packets

Updated 6/12/2023
Forms marked with an asterisk (*) are adopted for mandatory use.

***Please note these forms are specific to Santa Barbara County, if you can't find what you are looking for try searching through the Judicial Branch Site .


ADRINFO Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Information Packet

PLD-PL-001 Complaint-Personal Injury, Property Damage, Wrongful Death
PLD-C-001(1) Cause of Action
PLD-C-001(2) Cause of Action-Common Counts
CM-010* Civil Case Cover Sheet
SC-2069* Civil Case Cover Sheet Addendum
SUM-100* Summons
POS-010* Proof of Service of Summons
CIV-100* Request for Default

EM-100 *

Petition for Declaration of Emancipation of Minor, Order Prescribing Notice, Declaration of Emancipation, and Order Denying Petition

EM-100-INFO *

Emancipation Pamphlet

EM-109 *

Notice of Hearing—Emancipation of Minor

EM-115 *

Emancipation of Minor Income and Expense Declaration

EM-130 *

Declaration of Emancipation of Minor After Hearing


Emancipated Minor's Application to California Department of Motor Vehicles

FW-001-INFO * Information Sheet on Waiver of Court Fees and Costs
FW-001 Application for Waiver of Court Fees and Costs
FW-003 Order on Application for Waiver of Court Fees and Costs

CM-010 * Civil Case Cover Sheet
SC-2069* Civil Case Cover Sheet Addendum
NC-100 * Petition for Change of Name
NC-100-INFO Instructions for Filing a Petition for Change of Name
NC-110 * Attachment to Petition for Change of Name
NC-120 *
NC-125 *
Order to Show Cause for Change of Name -OR-
Order to Show Cause for Change of Name to Conform to Gender Identity
NC-121 * Proof of Service of Order to Show Cause
NC-130 * Decree Changing Name
VS-23 Amendment of Birth Record to Reflect Court Order Change of Name


Instructions for Filing Petition for Recognition of Change of Gender and Sex Identifier, Name Change, and Issuance of New Certificates

CM-010 *

Civil Case Cover Sheet
SC-2069 * Civil Case Cover Sheet Addendum
NC-300 Petition for Recognition of Change of Gender and Issuance of New Birth Certificate
NC-110 * Name & Information About the Person Whose Name is to be Changed
NC-125 * Order to Show Cause - Change of Name to Conform to Gender ID
NC-311 Birth Certificate for Child of Petitioner – Attachment
NC-312 Marriage License and Certificate – Attachment
NC-325 Order to Show Cause-Issuance of New Marriage License and Certificate
NC-330 Order Recognizing Change of Gender, Name Change, Issuance of New Certificate

SC-7000 Instructions
SC-100-INFO* Information for the Plaintiff (Small Claims)
SC-100* Plaintiff’s Claim and Order to go to Small Claims Court
SC-100A* Other Plaintiffs or Defendants (Attachment to Plaintiff's Claim and ORDER to Go to Small Claims Court)
SC-104B Guidelines on Naming the Parties What is “Proof of Service”?
INT-200 Foreign Language Interpreter’s Duties-Civil and Small Claims (For Noncertified and Nonregistered Interpreters)
  Mediation Project Flyer
SC-104C How to Serve a Business
SC-109 Authorization to Appear on Behalf of Party
SC-103 Fictitious Business Name Declaration
SC-1043 Exhibit List
SC-7008 Request for Dismissal/Satisfaction of Judgment

SC-7016 What I Should Know About Small Claims
SC-100-INFO* Information for the Plaintiff
INT-200 Foreign Language Interpreter’s Duties-Civil and Small Claims (For Noncertified and Nonregistered Interpreters)
SC-109 Authorization to Appear on Behalf of Party
SC-103 Fictitious Business Name Declaration
SC-120* Defendant’s Claim and Order to go to Small Claims Court
SC-1043 Exhibit List

SC-500-INFO COVID-19 Rental Debt in Small Claims Court
SC-100-INFO* Information for the Small Claims Plaintiff
SC-500* Plaintiff's Claim and Order to go to Small Claims Court (COVID-19)
SC-500A* Other Plaintiffs or Defendants (COVID-19 Rental Debt)
SC-109 Authorization to Appear on Behalf of Party
SC-104B What is "Proof of Service"?
SC-103 Fictitious Business Name Declaration
INT-200 Foreign Language Interpreter's Duties-Civil and Small Claims
(For Noncertified and Nonregistered Interpreters)

SC-500-INFO COVID-19 Rental Debt in Small Claims Court
SC-100-INFO* Information for the Small Claims Plaintiff
INT-200 Foreign Language Interpreter's Duties-Civil and Small Claims
(For Noncertified and Nonregistered Interpreters)
SC-109 Authorization to Appear on Behalf of Party
SC-104B What is "Proof of Service"?
SC-103 Fictitious Business Name Declaration
SC-120* Defendant's Claim and Order to go to Small Claims Court

SC-150 Request to Postpone Trial
SC-112A Proof of Service by Mail
SC-152 Order on Request to Postpone Trial

SC-2045   What I Should Know About Unlawful Detainers
CM-010* Civil Case Cover Sheet 
SC-2069* Civil Case Cover Sheet Addendum
UD-100 Complaint – Unlawful Detainer 
UD-101* Plaintiff's Mandatory Cover Sheet and Supplemental Allegations – Unlawful Detainer
SUM-130*   Summons – Unlawful Detainer – Eviction 
POS-010*   Proof of Service of Summons 
UD-150*   Request/Counter-Request to Set Case for Trial 
CIV-100*   Request for Entry of Default 
UD-110 Judgment – Unlawful Detainer 
UD-120 Verification by Landlord Regarding Rental Assistance — Unlawful Detainer

SC-2045   What I should Know About Unlawful Detainers 
UD-104 Cover Sheet for Declaration of COVID-19-Related Financial Distress
UD-104A Attachment – Declaration of COVID-19 Related Financial Distress
UD-105   Answer – Unlawful Detainer 
POS-040 Proof of Service

CH-100-INFO Can a Civil Harassment Restraining Order Help Me?
CH-100* Request for Civil Harassment Restraining Orders
MC-030 Declaration 
MC-031 Attached Declaration
SC-4012 Declaration Re Ex Parte Notice
CH-109* Notice of Court Hearing
CH-110* Temporary Restraining Order (CLETS-TCH)
CH-120-INFO How Can I Respond to a Request for Civil Harassment Restraining
CH-120* Response to Request for Civil Harassment Restraining Orders
CH-130 Civil Harassment Restraining Order After Hearing (CLETS-CHO)
CH-200-INFO What is “Proof of Personal Service”?
CH-200 Proof of Personal Service
CH-250 Proof of Service of Response by Mail
CH-800-INFO How Do I Turn In, Sell, or Store My Firearms?
CH-800 Proof of Firearms Turned In, Sold, or Stored
CLETS001 Confidential CLETS Information

EA-100-INFO Can a Restraining Order to Prevent Elder or Dependent Adult Abuse Help Me?
EA-100* Request for Elder or Dependent Adult Abuse Restraining Orders
SC-4012* Declaration Re Ex Parte Notice
EA-110* Temporary Restraining Order (CLETS–TEA or TEF)
EA-109* Notice of Court Hearing
EA-200 INFO What is “Proof of Personal Service”? 
EA-200 Proof of Personal Service
EA-120-INFO How Can I Respond to a Request for Elder or Dependent Adult Abuse
Restraining Orders?
EA-120 Response to Request for Elder or Dependent Adult Abuse Restraining
EA-250 Proof of Service of Response by Mail
EA-130* Elder or Dependent Adult Abuse Restraining Order After Hearing
EA-800-INFO How Do I Turn In, Sell, or Store My Firearms?
EA-800 Proof of Firearms Turned In, Sold, or Stored
CLETS001* Confidential CLETS Information

SC-4012   Declaration Re: Ex Parte Notice 
WV-100*   Petition for Workplace Violence Restraining Orders
WV-109* Notice of Court Hearing (Workplace Violence Prevention)
WV-110*   Temporary Restraining Order (CLETS-TWH)
WV-120*   Response to Petition for Workplace Violence Restraining Orders
WV-120-INFO   How Can I Respond to a Petition for Workplace Violence Restraining
WV-130*   Workplace Violence Restraining Order After Hearing (CLETS-WHO)
WV-200   Proof of Personal Service
WV-800   Proof of Firearms Turned In, Sold, or Stored
WV-800-INFO   How Do I Turn In, Sell, or Store My Firearms?


How Do I Get an Order to Prohibit Private Postsecondary School Violence?

SV-100* Petition for Private Postsecondary School Violence Restraining Orders
SC4012 Declaration Re Ex Parte Notice
SV-110* Temporary Restraining Order (CLETS-TSV)
SV-109* Notice of Court Hearing (Private Postsecondary School Viol Prevent)
SV-130* Private Postsecondary School Violence Rest Order After Hrg
SV-200 INFO What Is “Proof of Personal Service”? (Private Postsecondary School Violence Prevention)
SV-200 Proof of Personal Service
SV-120 INFO How Can I Respond to a Petition for Private Postsecondary School
Violence Restraining Orders?
SV-120* Response to Petition for Private Postsecondary School Violence
Restraining Orders
SV-250 Proof of Service of Response by Mail (Priv Postsecondary School Violence Prevention)
SV-800 INFO How Do I Turn In, Sell, or Store My Firearms?
SV-800 Proof of Firearms Turned In, Sold, or Stored
CLETS001* Confidential CLETS Information

Family Law

ADOPT-050-INFO How to Adopt a Child in California 
ICWA-005-INFO Information Sheet on Indian Child Inquiry Attachment and Notice of Child Custody Proceeding for Indian Child
ICWA-010(A)* Indian Child Inquiry Attachment
ICWA-030* Indian Child Custody Proceeding for Indian Child
ADOPT-200*   Adoption Request 
ADOPT-210*   Adoption Agreement 
ADOPT-215*   Adoption Order 
ADOPT-230*   Adoption Expenses 

ADOPT050-INFO How to Adopt a Child in California
FEE SCHED Court Investigator Schedule of Fees
ADOPT200*   Adoption Request
ADOPT210*   Adoption Agreement
ADOPT215*   Adoption Order
ICWA-005-INFO Information Sheet on Indian Child Inquiry Attachment and Notice of Child Custody Proceeding for Indian Child
ICWA-010(A)* Indian Child Inquiry Attachment
ICWA-030* Notice of Child Custody Proceeding for Indian Child

FL-260 Petition for Custody and Support of Minor Children
FL-210* Summons
FL-105/GC-120* Declaration Under Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction Act (UCCJEA)
FL-105(A)/GC-120(A)* Attachment to Declaration under UCCJEA
FL-311 Child Custody and Visitation Application Attachment
FL-150* Income & Expense Declaration
FL-155 Financial Statement (Simplified)
FL-330-INFO Information Sheet for Proof of Personal Service
FL-330 Proof of Personal Service
FL-270 Response to Petition for Custody and Support of Minor Children
FL-105/GC-120* Declaration Under Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction Act (UCCJEA)
FL-105(A)/GC-120(A)* Attachment to Declaration under UCCJEA
FL-311 Child Custody and Visitation Application Attachment
FL-150* Income & Expense Declaration
FL-155 Financial Statement (Simplified)
FL-335 Proof of Service by Mail
FL-165* Request to Enter Default
FL-230* Declaration for Default or Uncontested Judgment
FL-355 Stipulation and Order for Custody and/or Visitation of Children
FL-250* Judgment
FL-341 Child Custody and Visitation Order Attachment
FL-342* Child Support Information and Order Attachment
FL-342(A)* Non-Guideline Child Support Findings Attachment
FL-350* Stipulation to Establish or Modify Child Support and Order
FL-192 Notice of Rights and Responsibilities
FL-191* Child Support Case Registry Form
FL-190* Notice of Entry of Judgment

FL-100* Petition
FL-105/GC-120* Declaration Under Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction Act (UCCJEA)
FL-105(A)/GC-120(A)* Attachment to Declaration under UCCJEA
FL-110* Summons
FL-115 Proof of Service of Summons
FL-117 Notice and Acknowledgment of Receipt
FL-120* Response
FL-105/GC-120* Declaration Under Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction Act (UCCJEA)
FL-105(A)/GC-120(A)* Attachment to Declaration under UCCJEA
FL-107-INFO Legal Steps for a Divorce (Dissolution)

FL-150* Income & Expense Declaration
FL-155 Financial Statement (Simplified)
FL-160* Property Declaration
FL-165* Request to Enter Default
FL-140* Declaration of Disclosure
FL-142 Schedule of Assets and Debts
FL-141* Declaration Regarding Service of Declaration of Disclosure

FL-343 Spousal, Partner, or Family Support Order Attachment
FL-170* Declaration for Default or Uncontested Dissolution of Legal Separation
FL-182 Judgment Checklist
FL-348 Pension Benefits
FL-345 Property Order Attachment to Findings and Order After Hearing
FL-180* Judgment
FL-190* Notice of Entry of Judgment

FL-170* Declaration for Default or Uncontested Dissolution of Legal Separation
FL-182 Judgment Checklist
FL-341 Child Custody and Visitation Order Attachment
FL-342* Child Support Information and Order Attachment
FL-345 Property Order Attachment to Findings and Order After Hearing
FL-180* Judgment
FL-190* Notice of Entry of Judgment
SM only Packet for Parent Education & Co-Parenting Effectively (PEACE)

FL-800* Joint Petition for Summary Dissolution of Marriage
FL-150* Income and Expense Declaration (2)
FL-825* Judgment of Dissolution and Notice of Entry
FL-810 Summary Dissolution Information

FL-200 Petition to Establish Parental Relationship
FL-105/GC-120* Declaration Under Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction Act (UCCJEA)
FL-105(A)/GC-120(A)* Attachment to Declaration under UCCJEA
MC-030 Declaration
MC-031 Attached Declaration
FL-210* Summons
FL-115 Proof of Service of Summons
FL-220 Response to Petition to Establish Parental Relationship
FL-150* Income & Expense Declaration
FL-155 Financial Statement (Simplified)
FL-165* Request to Enter Default
FL-230* Declaration for Default or Uncontested Judgment
FL-250* Judgment
FL-235 Advisement and Waiver of Rights etc (2)
FL-341 Child Custody and Visitation Order Attachment
FL-342* Child Support Information and Order Attachment
FL-192 Notice of Rights and Responsibilities
FL-191* Child Support Case Registry Form
FL-190* Notice of Entry of Judgment
SM only Packet for Parent Education & Co-Parenting Effectively (PEACE)

FL-391 Information Sheet – Simplified Way to Change Support
FL-390* Notice of Motion and Motion for Simplified Modification of Support
FL-150* Income & Expense Declaration
FL-155 Financial Statement (Simplified)
FL-392* Responsive Declaration to Motion for Simplified Modification of Support
FL-393 Information Sheet – Simplified Way to Oppose Request for Modification
FL-191* Child Support Case Registry Form
FL-340* Findings and Order After Hearing
FL-342* Child Support Information and Order Attachment
FL-342(A)* Non-Guideline Child Support Findings Attachment
FL-343 Spousal or Family Support Order Attachment

FL-300* Request for Order
FL-300-INFO Information Sheet for Request for Order
FL-305* Temporary Emergency Court Orders
FL-311 Child Custody and Visitation Application Attachment
MC-030 Declaration
MC-031 Attached Declaration
FL-303 Declaration Regarding Notice and Service of Request for Temporary Emergency (Ex Parte) Orders
FL-150* Income & Expense Declaration
FL-155 Financial Statement (Simplified)
FL-320* Responsive Declaration to Request for Order
FL-330-INFO Information Sheet for Proof of Personal Service
FL-330 Proof of Personal Service
FL-335 Proof of Service by Mail
FL-340* Findings and Order After Hearing
FL-341 Child Custody and Visitation Order Attachment
FL-342* Child Support Information and Order Attachment

DV-500-INFO Can a Domestic Violence Restraining Order Help Me?
DV-505-INFO Forms You Need for a Temporary Restraining Order
DV-100* Request for Domestic Violence Restraining Order
DV-101 Description of Abuse
DV-105* Request for Child Custody and Visitation Orders
DV-108* Request for Order: No Travel with Children
SC-4012 Declaration Re Ex Parte Notice
DV-110* Temporary Restraining Order (CLETS-TRO)
DV-109* Notice of Court Hearing (Domestic Violence)
DV-140* Child Custody and Visitation Order
DV-145* Order: No Travel with Children
DV-150* Supervised Visitation and Exchange Order
DV-570 Which Financial Form?
FL-150* Income & Expense Declaration
FL-155 Financial Statement (Simplified)
DV-505-INFO How Do I Ask For a Temporary Restraining Order?
DV-200-INFO What Is “Proof of Personal Service”?
DV-200 Proof of Personal Service (CLETS)
DV-120-INFO How Can I Respond to a Request for Domestic Violence Restraining
DV-800-INFO How Do I Turn In or Sell My Firearm?
DV-800 Proof of Firearms Turned In or Sold
DV-120* Response to Request for Domestic Violence Restraining Order
DV-550-INFO Get Ready For Your Hearing (for Restrained Person)
DV-250 Proof of Service by Mail (CLETS)
DV-520-INFO Get Ready for the Court Hearing
DV-130* Restraining Order After Hearing (CLETS—OAH) (Order of Protection)
DV-530-INFO How to Enforce Your Restraining Order
CLETS-001* Confidential CLETS Information

DV-500-INFO Can a Domestic Violence Restraining Order Help Me?
DV-505-INFO Forms You Need for a Temporary Restraining Order
DV-100* Request for Domestic Violence Restraining Order
DV-101 Description of Abuse
SC-4012 Declaration Re Ex Parte Notice
DV-110* Temporary Restraining Order (CLETS-TRO)
DV-109* Notice of Court Hearing (Domestic Violence)
DV-200-INFO What Is “Proof of Personal Service”?
DV-200 Proof of Personal Service (CLETS)
DV-120-INFO How Can I Respond to a Request for Domestic Violence R.O.?
DV-120* Response to Request for Domestic Violence Restraining Order
DV-800-INFO How Do I Turn In, Sell, or Store My Firearms?
DV-800 Proof of Firearms Turned In, Sold, or Stored
DV-550-INFO Get Ready For Your Hearing (for Restrained Person)
DV-250 Proof of Service by Mail (CLETS)
DV-520-INFO Get Ready for the Court Hearing
DV-130* Restraining Order After Hearing (CLETS-OAH)
DV-530-INFO How to Enforce Your Restraining Order
CLETS-001* Confidential CLETS Information

DV-700-INFO How Do I Ask The Court to Renew My Restraining Order?
DV-700* Request to Renew Restraining Order
MC-030 Declaration
MC-031 Attached Declaration
DV-710* Notice of Hearing to Renew Restraining Order
DV-730* Order to Renew Domestic Violence Restraining Order (CLETS)
DV-200-INFO What Is “Proof of Personal Service”?
DV-200 Proof of Personal Service (CLETS)
DV-250 Proof of Service by Mail (CLETS)
DV-720 Response to Request to Renew Restraining Order
CLETS-001* Confidential CLETS Information

  Minor Marriage Domestic Partnership Questionnaire
FL-910 Request of Minor to Marry or Establish a Domestic Partnership
FL-912 Consent for Minor to Marry or Establish a Domestic Partnership
FL-915 Order and Notices to Minor on Request to Marry or Establish a Domestic Partnership


DE-111* Petition for Probate
DE-121* Notice of Petition to Administer Estate
DE-131* Proof of Subscribing Witness
DE-140* Order for Probate
DE-147* Duties and Liabilities of Personal Representative
DE-135* Proof of Holographic Instrument
DE-150* Letters

GC-310* Petition for Appointment of Probate Conservator
GC-313* Attachment Requesting Special Orders Regarding Dementia
GC-020* Notice of Hearing Guardianship or Conservatorship
GC-020(P) Proof of Personal Service Notice of Hearing-Guard or Conserv
DE-120(MA) / GC-020(MA) Attachment to Notice of Hearing Proof of Service by Mail
(Probate—Decedents’ Estates and Guardianships and Conservatorships)
GC-340* Order Appointing Probate Conservator
GC-350* Letters of Conservatorship
GC-320* Citation for Conservatorship and Proof of Service
GC-330 Order Appointing Court Investigator
GC-314* Confidential Conservator Screening Form
SC-6003 Conservatorship Contact Information (Confidential)
GC-312* Confidential Supplemental Information
GC-348* Duties of Conservator and Acknowledgment of Receipt of Handbook
GC-335* Capacity Declaration
GC-335(A)* Dementia Attachment to Capacity Declaration
GC-333* Ex Parte Application for Order Authorizing Completion of Capacity Dec
GC-334* Ex Parte Order Re Completion of Capacity Declaration-HIPAA
GC-355* Determination of Conservatee’s Appropriate Level Of Care
SC-6014 Declaration of Due Diligence
GC-021* Order Dispensing with Notice Guardianship or Conservatorship
FEE SCHED Court Investigator Schedule of Fees

GC-111* Petition for Appointment of Temporary Conservator
GC-020* Notice of Hearing Guardianship or Conservatorship
GC-020(P) Proof of Personal Service of Notice of Hearing
Attachment to Notice of Hearing Proof of Service by Mail
GC-141* Order Appointing Temporary Conservator
GC-150* Letters of Temporary Guardianship or Conservatorship
GC-112 Ex Parte Application for Good Cause Exception to Notice of Hearing On Petition for Appointment of Temporary Conservator
GC-112(A-1) Declaration in Support of Ex Parte Application for Good Cause Exception to Notice of Hearing On Petition for Apt of Temp Conserv
GC-112(A-2) Declaration Continuation Page
GC-115 Order on Ex Parte Application for Good Cause Exception to Notice Of Hearing on Petition for Appointment of Temporary Conservator

GC-505 Forms You Need to Ask the Court to Appoint a Guardian of Person
GC-510 What is “Proof of Service” in a Guardianship?
GC-210P* Petition for Appointment of Guardian of Minor
GC-210(CA)* Guardianship Petition-Child Information Attachment
ICWA-005-INFO Information Sheet on Indian Child Attachment and Notice of Child Custody Proceeding for Indian Child
ICWA-010(A)* Indian Child Inquiry Attachment
ICWA-030* Notice of Child Custody Proceeding for Indian Child
SC-6008 Order Appointing Court Investigator – Guardianship
FEE SCHED Court Investigator Schedule of Fees
GC-120* Declaration Under Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction Act (UCCJEA)
GC-120(A)* Attachment to Declaration Under UCCJEA
GC-211* Consent of Proposed Guardian, Nomination of Guardian, Consent to Appointment of Guardian & ‘waiver of Notice
GC-020* Notice of Hearing-Guardianship or Conservatorship
SC-6014 Declaration of Due Diligence
GC-020(P) Proof of Personal Service of Notice of Hearing-Guard or Conserv
GC-020(PA) Attachment to Notice of Hearing Proof of Personal Service
GC-021 Order Dispensing with Notice Guardianship or Conservatorship
GC-240* Order Appointing Guardian of Minor
GC-250* Letters of Guardianship
GC-212* Confidential Guardian Screening Form
GC-248* Duties of Guardian

GC-110(P)* Petition for Appointment of Temporary Guardian
GC-140* Order Appointing Temporary Guardian
GC-150* Letters of Temporary Guardianship or Conservatorship
GC-020* Notice of Hearing-Guardianship or Conservatorship
GC-020(P) Proof of Personal Service of Notice of Hearing-Guard or Conserv


APP-001-INFO Information on Appeal Procedures for Unlimited Civil Cases
APP-002 Notice of Appeal/Cross-Appeal (Unlimited Civil Case)
APP-003 Appellant’s Notice Designating Record on Appeal
APP-004 Civil Case Information Statement
APP-005 Abandonment of Appeal (Unlimited Civil Case)
APP-006 Application for Extension of Time to File Brief (Civil Case)
APP-007 Request for Dismissal of Appeal (Civil Case)
APP-008 Certificate of Interested Entities or Persons
APP-009 Proof of Service
APP-009-INFO Information Sheet for Proof of Service
APP-010 Respondent’s Notice Designating Record on Appeal
APP-011 Respondent’s Notice Electing to use an Appendix

APP-101-INFO Information on Appeal Procedures for Limited Civil Cases
APP-102 Notice of Appeal/Cross-Appeal
APP-103 Appellant’s Notice Designating Record on Appeal
APP-104 Proposed Statement on Appeal
APP-105 Order Concerning Appellant’s Proposed Statement on Appeal
APP-106 Application for Extension of Time to File Brief
APP-107 Abandonment of Appeal
APP-109 Proof of Service
APP-109-INFO What is “Proof of Service”?
APP-110 Respondent’s Notice Designating Record on Appeal

CR-131-INFO Information on Appeal Procedures for Misdemeanors
CR-132 Notice of Appeal (Misdemeanor)
CR-133 Request for Court-Appointed Lawyer in Misdemeanor Appeal
CR-134 Notice Regarding Record of Oral Proceedings (Misdemeanor)
CR-135 Proposed Statement on Appeal (Misdemeanor)
CR-136 Order Concerning Appellant's Proposed Statement on Appeal (Misdemeanor)
CR-137 Abandonment of Appeal (Misdemeanor)

CR-141-INFO Information on Appeal Procedures for Infractions
CR-142 Notice of Appeal and Record of Oral Proceedings (Infraction)
CR-143 Proposed Statement on Appeal (Infraction)
CR-144 Order Concerning Appellant's Proposed Statement on Appeal (Infraction)
CR-145 Abandonment of Appeal (Infraction)

APP-150-INFO Information on Writ Proceedings in Misdemeanor, Infraction and Limited Civil Cases
APP-151 Petition for Writ (Misdemeanor, Infraction, or Limited Civil Case)

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