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Jury Scam alert -

The Santa Barbara Superior Court has received complaints about individuals trying to scam members of the public by pretending to be court officers or officials. The Jury Services office of the Santa Barbara Superior Court does not call citizens to request payments for failing to appear for jury duty. California law does not permit citizens to pay a fine in lieu of jury duty. If you receive such a call simply hang up and, if the scammer persists, call your local law enforcement agency. Learn more about the recent scam warning.

Notice to Jurors:

Prospective jurors summoned for jury service can expect to receive their jury summons in postcard form. Please check your mail for a postcard with important instructions to fulfil your jury service. Visit the Jury Services page for more information.

Additional Benefits

Travel Assistance Program

When traveling more than 100 miles from your home, this program offers you and your dependents four types of services:  Pre-Trip Information, Emergency Personal Services, Medical Assistance Services and Emergency Transportation Services. From anywhere in the world call +1-317-659-5841 or

VOYA Bereavement Support, Funeral Planning and Will Preparation Services

Navigating a loss can be challenging and knowing where to start can be difficult. Empathy's experienced Care Team is ready to provide support via web, app, or phone.  For more information call 1-251-299-8482 or email

Retirement Benefits

The Santa Barbara Superior Court Employees’ Retirement System (SBCERS) was organized under the provisions of the County Employees’ Retirement Law of 1937 on January 1, 1944. Membership is mandatory for all regular employees who work at least 40 hours per pay period. The Court and the employees make contributions to the retirement fund.

The employee’s contribution rate is a percentage of salary based on age at entrance to Court service and is automatically deducted from your paycheck This deduction is pretax. SBCERS is a defined benefit plan that provides lifetime benefits when you retire.


The Santa Barbara County Superior Court is pleased to offer employees a Deferred Compensation plan through Empower.  This is a voluntary program which allows you to contribute a portion of your salary, before federal and state taxes, to an investment account which can help supplement your retirement income. 

This benefit is offered to all employees of the Santa Barbara County Superior Court.  The Court is the plan sponsor of both the 457 Deferred Compensation Plan and an OBRA Plan.  All regular employees may participate in the 457 Deferred Compensation Plan, the OBRA Plan is a Social Security Compliant plan for extra help employees.  To assist the Court in the efficient management of these Plans, The Court has established and delegated certain responsibilities to the Deferred Compensation Plans Committee.  The Committee is made up of employee members and is governed by a Committee Charter which can be found below.


Katerina Soto


Mobile: (805) 561-4559

Leave Information


12 days accrued during the year


0-2 years - 12 days per year
2-4 years - 16 days per year
4-10 years - 19 days per year
10-14 years - 22 days per year
14+ years - 25 days per year
Vacation/Sick Accruals Schedule


14 days (includes 1 floating holiday) per year


Additional accrual of 0.62 hours of vacation per pay period (prorated for part-time employees)

* Transportation Demand Management (TDM) Benefit:

In order to relieve traffic congestion and improve air quality, Court employees are encouraged to use alternative forms of transportation rather than driving alone to and from work. Alternative forms of transportation include commuting by carpool, vanpool, bus, bicycle, or walking. Regular employees that use an alternative commute mode at least 80% of the days they work in a pay period are eligible for the TDM Incentive in that pay period, which is an additional accrual of 0.62 hours of vacation for full-time employees (prorated for part-time employees). This program is an honor program. Employees who regularly participate in the TDM Program can earn up to two additional vacation days per year. TDM cannot be applied retroactively. 

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