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Jury Scam alert -

The Santa Barbara Superior Court has received complaints about individuals trying to scam members of the public by pretending to be court officers or officials. The Jury Services office of the Santa Barbara Superior Court does not call citizens to request payments for failing to appear for jury duty. California law does not permit citizens to pay a fine in lieu of jury duty. If you receive such a call simply hang up and, if the scammer persists, call your local law enforcement agency. Learn more about the recent scam warning.

Notice to Jurors:

Prospective jurors summoned for jury service can expect to receive their jury summons in postcard form. Please check your mail for a postcard with important instructions to fulfil your jury service. Visit the Jury Services page for more information.

News Release

Installation Ceremony of New Civil Grand Jury – Fiscal Year 2024-2025



Date: JUNE 17, 2024

Installation Ceremony of New Civil Grand Jury – Fiscal Year 2024-2025
Superior Court Presiding Judge Pauline Maxwell will oversee the installation ceremony of the new 2024-2025 Santa Barbara County Grand Jury at noon on July 1, 2024, in Dept. 2 of the downtown courthouse. The ceremonies will include the discharge of the outgoing 2023-2024 Grand Jury who released several reports during their term of office. The public and media are invited to attend.

The Civil Grand Jury is a unique institution whose primary purpose is to act as a "watchdog" of local government and make recommendations for improvements. The Civil Grand Jury is comprised of 19 citizen volunteers who serve for a one-year period. Three jurors from the current Grand Jury will be "held over" for a second year of service under a special provision of law in order to provide continuity and "institutional memory" for the new Grand Jury members.

In pre-installation proceedings Judge Maxwell commented, “I am grateful for the fine work of these hard-working volunteers who have dedicated a year of service to our community. Their work is important and meaningful.”
Copies of the grand jury’s reports can be found at

A PDF copy can be found here.

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