The Superior Court of Santa Barbara County offers free help to the public. We help with a variety of basic legal issues and types of cases, including family law and small claims.
We help people who need legal information but don't have a lawyer.
Domestic Violence & Restraining Orders
If you are in danger right now, call 911 or seek safety.
Civil Harassment & Restraining Orders
A civil harassment restraining order is against someone you are not closely related to or have not had an intimate relationship with.
Child Support
When parents separate, each parent is equally responsible for providing for the financial needs of their children.
Custody & Visitation
When parents separate, they have to make decisions about custody of their children and parenting time (also called "timeshare" or "visitation").
Eviction/Unlawful Detainer
A landlord must meet many legal requirements before they can ask for a court order that says their tenant must move out.
Understand what a guardian does, how to begin or end guardianship, what to do if someone started a court case to become your child's guardian.
Name Change
You can legally change your name by filing papers in court to obtain a court order that states your new legal name.
Self-Help Case Types
We can answer questions about your case, help you figure out which forms you need and how to fill them out, and explain different legal options.
• Lawsuits
• Name Change
• Anti-Harassment
• Evictions—Landlord/Tenant
Family Law
• Child Custody
• Child Support
• Domestic Violence
• Divorce or Legal Separation
• Adoptions
• Information for Family Law Litigants -
• Conservatorship
• Guardianships
• Wills, Trusts, & Estate -
Restraining Orders
• Civil Anti-Harassment
• Domestic Violence
• Elder/Dependent Adult Abuse
• Emergency Protective Order
• Workplace Violence -
Small Claims
Our Small Claims Advisor can help you prepare for small claims court - a court for small lawsuits with simpler procedures and no lawyers.
• Pay a ticket
• Contest a ticket
• Traffic School -
• Clean your record
Available Resources in Santa Barbara
Legal Resource Center (LRC)
Residents of Santa Barbara County have access to local legal resources centers that are available to the self-represented litigant and make it easier for you to represent yourself.
Family Law Facilitators
The Office of the Family Law Facilitator is staffed by attorneys who work for the Superior Court. They help you to understand your options and to better represent yourself in family law matters. Services are FREE.
Online Assistance in Completing Legal Forms:
The following "Odyssey Guide and File" interviews help you fill out the forms:
- Family Law:
- Restraining Orders
- Small Claims
- Conservatorship : Requesting a limited conservatorship
- Petition for Appointment of Guardian