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Effective September 3, 2024:

For jurors reporting to, or serving in, Santa Barbara - limited jury parking available at 1021 Santa Barbara Street

Guardianship of Roza Joel Summer Aguirre-Starr

Case Number


Case Type

Guardianship - Person

Hearing Date / Time

Tue, 08/13/2024 - 09:00

Nature of Proceedings

Petition to Appoint Temporary Guardian of Person

Tentative Ruling

Probate Notes:

Appearances required.  The Petition filed on July 16, 2024, by Joyce and William Starr, received written objection by Omar Aguire Martinez on August 8, 2024, placing this matter at issue, and requiring evidentiary hearing to resolve.

The following defects must be corrected before the hearing can proceed:

Proof of Personal Service. Proof of timely personal service of the notice of hearing and a copy of the petition (Prob. Code, § 1511) on parents of the minor, OR Consent to Appointment of Guardian and Waiver of Notice (Judicial Council form GC-211) OR adequately supported request to dispense with notice (CRC 7.52; see Local Court form SC-6014).

Supplemental Declaration.  The court may grant a petition for a temporary guardian only when good cause is shown. (Prob. Code, § 2250.) Good cause may be found where the minor needs immediate protection from child endangerment or neglect.  Absent exigent circumstances, the Petition will be denied.  The Petition on file with the Court does not contain sufficient facts to constitute good cause.  Petitioner must file a Supplemental Declaration to include facts showing good cause exists.

Proposed Orders (Forms GC-240).  Proposed orders on Judicial Council forms “shall be submitted on or before noon at least five court days prior to the hearing. Failure to submit a timely proposed order may delay the hearing or entry of the order.” (SB Local Rule 1724.)

Proposed Letters (Form GC- 250)  Proposed Letters are considered the same as proposed orders and must be submitted in compliance with Local Rule 1724.


The court is open to the public for court business. The court is also conducting hearings via Zoom videoconference.

Meeting ID: 161 956 1423

Passcode: 137305

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